


1. Delete a site collection

· Run command : Remove-SPSite –Identity http://ent132.sharepoint.hp.com/teams/monitor/ –GradualDelete –Confirm:$False

· In CA

Central Administration->Application Management ->Delete a Site collection

Change the site collection

Click ok ,then delete.

· In SQL Server, to find the *_AdminContent,and *_config.

At *_config table ,find the sitemap ,to search the site id (the site id is id (table’s id))

Then find the databaseid . and get the databaseid into databaseinformation in *_AdminContent


2. Cannot access to CA

1. Check the SharePoint Central Administration v4 was started

2. And check the whether if it is https


3 site permissons

1. Component error

============= Add Farm Administrator ==========

The following exception was thrown when trying to enumerate the collection: "0x80070005<
