
我的世界0.12.1b12更新日志速报 打算秘密发布b12的MOJANG[多图]图片1



我的世界0.12.1b12更新日志速报 打算秘密发布b12的MOJANG[多图]图片2

我的世界0.12.1b12更新日志速报 打算秘密发布b12的MOJANG[多图]图片3




Blocks can now be placed underneath player while sneaking
End portal frames can now be rotated
Shovel is now faster on Soulsand and Path Blocks
Silk Touch book is now in creative inventory
D-Pad for flying remains after going to main menu
Power Enchant is now stronger! (like PC)
Enchanting table is now craftable in the Crafting Table
Bug Fixes
Fixed Crash on drinking two opposite Potions
Fixed diamond spawn positions (sorry!)
Fixed duplication bug when renaming items
Fixed chickens not syncing properly
Cactus hurts in multiplayer now
Fire now hurts when standing still
Creeper sound is now Sssssssynced over the network
Silktouch now works on Ice and Packed Ice
Vines now catch on fire
Wolf puppies now get born without a collar
Ghast is no longer lit incorrectly when spawned with egg
You can now place skulls on ice
Torches can now be placed on the side of Mob spawners
Snowflakes no longer flicker
Sounds should no longer echo
Mushroom blocks can now be obtained correctly
Taking off a Respiration helmet under water now works correctly
Tamed wolves now attack target when it was hit with a bow
Fixed food depleting while in Creative mode
Zombie Pigmen now spawn with possible enchanted swords
Fixed redstone appearing in Furnace screen
Fixed Trapdoor Z-fighting on glowstone