







How Solr Works with Tomcat

The two basic steps for running Solr in any Web application container are as follows:

Make the Solr classes available to the container. In many cases, the Solr Web application archive (WAR) file can be placed into a special directory of the application container. In the case of Tomcat, you need to place the Solr WAR file in Tomcat's webapps directory. If you installed Tomcat with Solr, take a look in tomcat/webapps:you'll see the solr.war file is already there.

Point Solr to the Solr home directory that contains conf/solrconfig.xml and conf/schema.xml. There are a few ways to get this done. One of the best is to define the solr.solr.home Java system property. With Tomcat, the best way to do this is via a shell environment variable, JAVA_OPTS. Tomcat puts the value of this variable on the command line upon startup